- horror reviews - MOH 2022

The Seed

IMDb Info

Release Year: 2021
Runtime: 1h 31m
Country: UK
Language: English
Genre Tags: Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi
Plot Summary: What starts out as girls weekend away in the Mojave desert becomes a tale of horror, death and alien invasion.

Poster - Title Card rating: notes: The third act is full of fun body horror, dream sequences and practical gore. Sadly, the first two acts are a bunch of young women being mean to each other for an hour. It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it has no statement to make. There's an extended sequence with a teenage boy that's completely unecessary and wouldn't be missed. This could've been short film.

Outside Reviews:

Abby Olcese
2.5 out of 4 stars -

"The Seed"'s alien effects are easily its biggest draw. It may take too long for this movie to arrive at the payoff, but once it does, the results are unsettling, impressive, and completely surprising. The alien, which resembles a more robust version of the "Eraserhead" baby, eventually makes its intentions known in a series of scenes involving moist, spongelike carpets of flesh and unexpected appendages cast in lurid reds and absorbing shadows. The tone switches with barely any warning and, given the meandering that's come before, it's a pleasantly icky drop into body horror.

Matt Donato
7 out of 10 - Horror-Comedy Creature Feature The Seed Cultivates Sleazy Success

But once The Seed hits its stride, bloodlust and belly bumps become Bite meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Black gunk waterfalls from orifices as Charlotte struggles to confront the consequences of her decisions. Accomplished body horror gnarliness becomes both out-of-this-world and deathly excessive. There's a heavy emphasis on final act payoffs, which erase its earlier doldrums when the party girls go wild for the sake of clickable attention. It's a back-half experience that ultimately wins; pregnancy, self-worth and a host of other The Hills sci-fi invasion notes generate psychosexual stimulation amidst Sam Walker's proudly indie messiness.